Saturday 21 May 2011

Birth Trauma Association

After all these years I've come across this hugely important organisation!!
Birth Trauma Association

Birth Trauma Association on Facebook

Was absolutely delighted to see that they are asking for people to register interest in a regional supporter scheme. This is exactley what I have been looking for!! Really hope that they can get the scheme up and running as I know it will help more women than anyone could ever imagine!!!

I was contacted by  a lovely long time friend the other day who had read about my birth experiences (About me - long read - you might want a brew before you start!) and shared with me her own healing from birth trauma. Love to you lady xxx

Its such a taboo isn't it. I know there are a huge number of women out there nursing Birth Trauma silently on their own. Never getting any healing or any acknowledgement for those deep deep hurts deep in our hearts. I just want to say that if anyone reading this would like to comment on this blog and share their own Birth Trauma then please feel free or send me an inbox message on facebook. I found great healing in telling my birth story... ok it was horrific... but the more and more I tell it, the more and more I find really little details that I can treasure and nurture for their beauty. It is hard to treasure the tiny snippets of experience that made your heart sing, when the horror of the trauma is drowning out everything else.

Much love and light Sarah xxxxx

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Cherish Yourself.

Just found this on a facebook group called Wysewomen and thought it very wise indeed :D

quick grounding yoga
make arrangement to meet a friend later
lie down
rest eyes
foot scrub
listen to music
cat nap
cucumber on the eyes
conscious breathing
tea & toast
quick shower
body brush
paint toe/finger nails
fresh air
brush hair
look at kids photos
super healthy smoothie
get nude!
say "I CHERISH YOU!" in the mirror
pat a pet
foot rub
write in your menstrual diary
cherish another
creative visualisation
soothing cup o tea
eat chocolate!

bathe... scrub, oils, candles
recieve a massage
cherish another
walk in nature, paying attention to all that beauty
make love!
create something
play music
get your hair done
invite a girlfriend for tea n cake
cook a delicious meal
put makeup on leisurely style
make a phone call to a far-flung loved one

nice long walk in nature
a spa session
workshop in something you love
massage, haircut, pedicure, chiropodist!
hot bath... bubbles, candles, book
dance to loud music
retail therapy
get it on!
tune in with partner
cook a lovely family/friendly meal
surf the net
out with friends to a film & a meal
sleep and dream uninterrupted!
life drawing class
bike ride
a drive through the countryside
visit a friend
try something new.. challenge yourself!


One World Birth!/oneworldbirth

About - An exciting new global cross-media birth film project.
Company Overview
Produced by the independent film production company Alto Films Ltd, the award-winning film-makers behind the DOULA! ULTIMATE DOCUMENTARY FILM documentary film and REAL BIRTH STORIES.
To make birth better and safer around the world.
Ina May Gaskin, Sheila Kitzinger, Michel Odent, Elizabeth Davis, Debra Pascali-Bonaro, Jan Tritten, Cathy Warwick, Beverley Beech plus Consultant Obstetricians, midwives, doulas, academics, scientists, parents and everyone who cares about birth!
Directed by
Toni Harman

Nurturing Wisdom.

As a daughter and grand-daughter, my mothers have nurtured in me, their wisdom. Handed down from their mothers before them. A long line of matriarchal wisdom stretching back to when everything first began. As a mother I draw great comfort from my own intuition. It isn't a blind instinct, it's a wisdom that has been nurtured by my mothers before me and comes handed to me in my genes ready to guide me as a woman, a mother. A wisdom that I have passed to my own three children and especially to my daughter.

I have started this blog for a few reasons.

Firstly, I want a personal space to write in and be able to share things that I have written using social networking such as Facebook. I also want to be able to collate interesting article links and use this blog as a hub for some of the blogs and websites I visit and take an interest in.

I'm hoping long term that this space might become an online resource for parents in my local community.

Somewhere to share ideas, learn together and support one another.

Increasingly it seems that our political leaders seem content to withdraw funding from areas that impacts on the most vulnerable people in our society. I will write more on this another time but I passionatley feel that the time for communities to act is NOW! My own vocational interests lie with the provision of post-natal peer support for mums and dads. Increasingly, the amount of post-natal support that the midwifery and health visiting teams can provide is being cut and cut again. Organisations such as the National Childbirth Trust are working hard to try and make up for the shortfall and whilst on the one hand, I am annoyed and frustrated by the changes in midwifery in this country, I also know that I can offer something to my local community by way of being there to fill the gap. Its not a new idea. It is what women have been doing for each other since it all began.

....people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.... Maya Angelou