About Me...

My name is Sarah and I live in Bruton, Somerset with my Man and our 3 children and our dog. The births and breastfeeding experiences of my three children are on another tab :)

I am a volunteer NHS breastfeeding peer supporter and help to run a breastfeeding support group at The Balsam Centre in Wincanton every week. I also attend monthly antenatal breastfeeding workshops to introduce parents to be to the support that is in their community to help them on their breastfeeding journeys.

I run  Mendip Hills Caesarean and Birth Trauma Peer Support Group on facebook and am hoping to offer real-time meetings later on this year.

I am hoping to undertake training with The Birth Trauma Association to become a regional peer supporter.

I am going to be training with Concious Birthing in Glastonbury in early autumn of this year to become an accreddited Birth and Post Natal Doula with Doula UK. 

I have been a second level or Okuden practicioner of Usui Teate Reiki since 2004.

In addition to the NHS breastfeeding peer supporter course, I have undertaken workshops and study days covering a variety of topics. 

July 2011: Da-a-luz holistic birth workshop - The Essence of Birth.
This practical workshop related the essence of birth with the importance of self-nurture as birth practicioners.

August 2011: Working for Women Study Day: Midwifery Online.
Topics Covered: The Role of the Doula, The Role of the Midwife, Planning a birth against medical advice (vbac,homebirth etc), after birth placenta remedies.

September 2011: South West Breech Study Day with Mary Cronk and Joy Horner.This hands-on practical and highly informative study day involved presentation, discussion and practical applications of the mechanisms of vaginal breech birth. Having attended this workshop I would feel comfortable and confident to support a woman who wished to birth a breech baby vaginally.

March 2012: Frome and Somerset Doula's: Slings and Rebozo's for Pregnancy and Birth.
Facilitated by the School of Baby Wearing, in this hands-on workshop, we looked at the use of slings – especially the Mexican Rebozo – used in traditional cultures around the world to help during pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatally. We looked at their use for easing pregnancy discomforts, relaxation during pregnancy and in labour and for opening the pelvis.
We practiced ways of using them for and with labouring women, with birth balls and on their own. There are techniques for doulas and birth partners to use to relax the labouring woman and to make her labour progress. And ways to use a sling to give her greater privacy, to personalise her birth environment a
nd of course to carry her baby. Completion of this study day has certified me to be able to advise and support parents who wish to use a shawl during pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond.